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This module is provided to help with testing.

The following external modules are expected to be available:

run_action_step(mocker, *, py_file, exit_code, env_vars, file_write_side_effect=None)

Execute an action step in a test.

This function expects the inputs to the script to be provided via environment variables of the form INPUT_[SOME_NAME]. The script will write the outputs to the file FAKE_GITHUB_OUTPUT.txt. We can verify the contents of the file by looking at the 3rd output from the function. This is a dictionary mapping file names to contents. Please note that this testing function mocks to obtain the file contents.


Name Type Description Default
mocker MockerFixture

A reference to the pytest MockerFixture.

py_file str

The full path to the file that Github Actions will run.

exit_code int

The expected exit code of the action. 0 means all is good.

env_vars dict[str, str]

A dictionary of the environment variables that the action will receive.

file_write_side_effect Any | None

This can be provided if we need to modify the behavior of This is useful if we want to test cases in which a file failed to write.



Type Description
tuple[str, str, dict[str, str]]

The standard out, standard error, and files written by

Source code in m/testing/
def run_action_step(
    mocker: MockerFixture,
    py_file: str,
    exit_code: int,
    env_vars: dict[str, str],
    file_write_side_effect: Any | None = None,
) -> tuple[str, str, dict[str, str]]:
    """Execute an action step in a test.

    This function expects the inputs to the script to be provided via environment
    variables of the form `INPUT_[SOME_NAME]`. The script will write the outputs
    to the file `FAKE_GITHUB_OUTPUT.txt`. We can verify the contents of the file
    by looking at the 3rd output from the function. This is a dictionary mapping
    file names to contents. Please note that this testing function mocks
    [][] to obtain the file contents.

        mocker: A reference to the pytest `MockerFixture`.
        py_file: The full path to the file that Github Actions will run.
        exit_code: The expected exit code of the action. `0` means all is good.
        env_vars: A dictionary of the environment variables that the action will
        file_write_side_effect: This can be provided if we need to modify the
            behavior of [][]. This is useful if we want to
            test cases in which a file failed to write.

        The standard out, standard error, and files written by [][].
            'NO_COLOR': 'true',

    std_out = StringIO()
    std_err = StringIO()
    mocker.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', std_out)
    mocker.patch.object(sys, 'stderr', std_err)
    file_write_mock = mocker.patch('')
    file_write_mock.side_effect = file_write_side_effect or [Good(0)]

    prog = None
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as prog_block:
        prog = prog_block
        runpy.run_path(py_file, {}, '__main__')

    # Would be nice to be able to reset via a the mocker
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
    sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
    assert prog is not None  # noqa: S101 - to be used in testing
    file_writes = {
        call.args[0]: call.args[1]
        for call in file_write_mock.call_args_list

    # next block should not be covered by coverage, we have this as a utility
    # to help us write tests.
    prog_code = prog.value.code
    if prog_code != exit_code:  # pragma: no cover
        print(std_out.getvalue(), file=sys.stdout)  # noqa: WPS421
        print(std_err.getvalue(), file=sys.stderr)  # noqa: WPS421
    assert prog_code == exit_code   # noqa: S101 - to be used in testing
    return std_out.getvalue(), std_err.getvalue(), file_writes

run_action_test_case(mocker, tcase)

Execute an action step test case.

This is a commodity wrapper to help us run the action tests case. If we need more control over the assertions we can then copy and modify the implementation.


Name Type Description Default
mocker MockerFixture

A reference to the pytest MockerFixture.

tcase ActionStepTestCase

The test case.

Source code in m/testing/
def run_action_test_case(
    mocker: MockerFixture,
    tcase: ActionStepTestCase,
) -> None:
    """Execute an action step test case.

    This is a commodity wrapper to help us run the action tests case. If we need
    more control over the assertions we can then copy and modify the implementation.

        mocker: A reference to the pytest `MockerFixture`.
        tcase: The test case.
    stdout, stderr, file_writes = run_action_step(
    assert stdout == tcase.expected_stdout  # noqa: S101
    if tcase.errors:
        for error in tcase.errors:
            assert error in stderr  # noqa: S101

    if tcase.exit_code == 0:
        assert 'FAKE_GITHUB_OUTPUT.txt' in file_writes  # noqa: S101
        gh_output = file_writes['FAKE_GITHUB_OUTPUT.txt']
        assert gh_output == '\n'.join(tcase.outputs)  # noqa: S101